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    I would rather cut my own heart out with a teaspoon than use Leopard Mail’s HTML stationery.

    A M E N !

    [via: Hawk Wings - How to edit Leopard Mail’s Stationery]

    [Ich hörte gerade: »Star Trek: Voyager - Main Theme« von Erich Kunzel; Cincinnati Pops Orchestra]

    Now, if you are telling me we are throwing out the law, then I am not a captain, you are not a commander, and you are not the president.

    Indessen sollte der Philologe, erst recht der Sprachwissenschaftler um eine phonologisch einwandfreie und die phonetischen Merkmale […] nach unserem Kenntnisstand möglichst genau realisierende Aussprache des klassischen Lateins bemüht sein.

    ~ Meiser, Gerhard (1998): Historische Laut- und Formenlehre der lateinischen Sprache. Darmstadt. S.50.

    Meine Rede, schon immer gewesen.

    And if there’s is going to be a life hereafter,
    And somehow I am sure there’s going to be,
    I will ask my God to let me make my heaven,
    In that dear land across the Irish sea.

    ~ Aus dem Lied »Galway Bay« geschrieben von Dr. Arthur Colahan
    [Ich hörte gerade: »Galway Bay« von John McDermott]

    * Shortly before Shigeru Miyamoto’s keynote was about to start, Reggie himself was taking the time to sign autographs and pose for pictures, when one gamer shouted out something from the crowd.

    “Kick his ass and take his name!” someone shouted from a few rows behind me.
    “Who?” answered Reggie in mid-autograph.
    “Phil Harrison, front row!” Sure enough, there was Phil Harrison, seated dead center, front row.
    With a grin and a chuckle, Reggie replies, “Some would say we’ve already done that.

    […]* Referring to the Wii outselling the PlayStation 3 with great numbers.

    Meine Fresse, das war aber schon mehr als ein Volltreffer. Reggie ist einfach schon einer. Das beste, das Nintendo passieren konnte. :-D

    [via: Wikiquote - Reggie Fils-Aime]

    [Ich hörte gerade: »Thor (The Powerhead)« von Manowar]

    If you immediately know the candlelight is fire, the meal was cooked a long time ago.

    Time! Time!

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    His [Bilbo's] tongue seemed to stick in his mouth; he wanted to shout out: “Give me more time! Give me time!” But all that came out with a sudden squeal was: “Time! Time!”

    ~ aus Tolkien, J.R.R.: The Hobbit


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    Ein mære wære guot gelesen,
    daz Triuwe niuwe möchte wesen.
    ir liehten kleider leider blint
    durch valschen orden worden sint.
    ûz wünneclicher wæte,
    die si vor zîten hæte,
    gezogen ist diu stæte
    durch valscher liute ræte.

    Aus: von Würzburg, Konrad: Engelhard

    When the snows fall and the white winds blow, the lone wolf dies, but the pack survives.

    ~Lord Eddard Stark

    Amicus certus in re incerta cernitur.

    ~ Quintus Ennius zitiert bei Cicero
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